Service Awards
The Ault Award
The Ault Award, which has traditionally been the highest award that members of the ink industry can bestow on one of their peers, was established in memory of L.A. Ault, an early leader in the industry and a founder of the Ault and Wiborg Company. Each year nominations are sought from all U.S. and Canadian Ink Manufacturers for submission to a special Awards Committee, which makes the final selection.
The Printing Ink Pioneer Award
The Printing Ink Pioneer requirements are:
- Twenty years of industry service with one or several printing ink companies. Longevity is, in itself, not sufficient to qualify the nominee for a PIP Award.
- True service to the industry is also required.
- Service might include work on committees or as an officer of NAPIM or NPIRI.
- Service to local ink associations, production clubs, and the like might also be included.
- Service to allied associations serving the print industry will also be considered, but it must include significant service on allied association committees, conferences, or another substantive service, not just membership.
- Technical contribution is an important consideration, but routine technical service is not enough.
- Technical contributions should be real and could be in the area of laboratory, engineering, production, or product development. It might include the presentation of papers on behalf of the ink industry to prestigious groups of other industries.
- The practice has established that the recipient does not need to be from a NAPIM ink company member even though the nomination must originate from a member.
The TAM Service Award
The Technical Achievement Award
Technical achievement in the form of research, development, or other technology is one of the characteristics sought in determining eligibility. Candidates also may have contributed outstanding service to the printing ink industry in management, marketing, public relations, and government affairs. Nominations are solicited from members of both the ink and raw materials industries and the final selection will be made by a committee composed of individuals from both TAM and Active Member companies.
The Technical Achievement Award is awarded for making contributions to the science of printing ink formulation, manufacture, or application.