Membership Benefits
NAPIM Member Companies Will Be Able To:
- Access to member benefits for all employees.
- Address issues that affect the ink industry across the board.
- Participate in establishing industry-wide testing procedures.
- Interact with key organizations such as ISO, CGATS, and ASTM.
- Collaborate with others in the industry.
- Participate in technical committees, task forces, and event planning committees.
- Influence and provide input to the development of environmental industry standards.
- Use of NAPIM’s logo on your website and your advertising materials.
- Be part of the Annual Environmental Summit with the National Environmental Health & Safety (NEHS).
- Participate in an open forum for professional networking to advance common interests.
NAPIM Member Companies Will Receive:
- Support services are available five days a week.
- Help with technical, EHS, and business issues.
- Onsite safety/regulatory audits are available for a nominal charge.
- Access to the members-only area of the NAPIM website.
- Member discounts rates for all NAPIM events and materials.
- All NAPIM Bulletins.
- Education and training through the well-established Summer Course on Printing Ink Technology.
- A listing on the NAPIM website with a link to your company website.
- A listing under the “Find an Ink Supplier.”
- Free registration for the Bio-derived Renewable Material Content (BRC) program.
NAPIM will:
- Act as a watchdog for correcting inaccurate printing ink information on the internet
- Act as a liaison with European associations, such as EUPia.
- Keep abreast of technological advancements through the National Printing Ink Research Institute (NPIRI).
- Direct reports from liaisons with other related trade associations such as IDEAlliance, PIA-GATF, GAA, FTA, SGAI, and NAPL.
- Keep up to date with changing environmental, health, and safety regulations.
- Provide legal contacts in Washington DC who work for the benefit of the ink industry on key governmental issues.
- Ensure that your concerns are represented in communications with the government’s environmental agencies.
- Assist your customers with following sustainable practices through the SGP program.